I realized this afternoon that I basically explain this technique to an Etsy Labs visitor at least once a day, but had never put the instructions online. So, here it is. Fusing! Plastic! Bags!
Do you have one zillion plastic drugstore and grocery bags under your sink, or perhaps smushed into a drawer? Ever wanted a cheap and easy use for them? One that leaves you with an intriguing and useful homemade craft supply? Do you have an iron? Why don't you fuse them together?
What you'll need
Plastic bags (thin, flimsy ones work best)
Parchment paper, freezer paper or plain old copier paper
Iron (and your favorite ironing surface)
Making it
Flatten out the bag and trim the bottom seam and handles off. This allows the bag to be opened up into a larger rectangle of plastic.
Turn the bag inside-out if it has printing on it. Once the ink heats up, it comes off the bag and makes a huge mess. If the bag has an interesting design that you'd like to preserve, try using a clear plastic bag layered on top of the printed one.
We find that between 6-8 layers of plastic gives the best results. So, you can either fold your bag twice until it is 8 ply thick, or use three or more bags layered on top of one another. Trying to fuse less than 6 layers often results in little holes forming in the finished piece and a generally weaker material.
Sandwich your plastic bags between the parchment paper
Next, run a hot iron (we set ours to "Rayon", but you will need to experiment a little to see what works for you) and keep the iron moving constantly. Make sure to get the edges, and after about 15 seconds, flip it over and iron the opposite side for a few seconds.
Peel a corner of the paper back to see if the plastic is fused together. It should be fairly smooth and "one sheet" to the touch (watch out, its a little hot). If the layers are not all melted together, iron it some more.
Peel the parchment paper away from the finished plastic sheet. Voila. Now, you can use this stuff to make a million things. We've made re-usable grocery totes, wallets, and floor cushions; I think its an inexpensive way to make waterproof linings for beach bags and makeup clutches.
Here are a few more rad examples of what you can do with this stuff, courtesy of Etsy seller Eclipse
Alright, y'all. Don't forget to open a window when you do this to avoid potentially brain-damaging fumes. Send us pictures of your creations, or add them to the Etsy Labs flickr pool
06 May 2007
Long Overdue Fusing Plastic Bag Tutorial
your friend,
amanda L.
8:02 PM
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 405 Newer› Newest»You should really change this tutorial to warn against freezer paper!! This is the #1 result on google for fusing plastic bags and it has one huge glaring error (that it works to use freezer paper). Please update!!
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If people are worried about the fumes why not wear a face mask (available from a hardware shop) and work in a well ventilated area.
This is a fantastic blog,
Just wondering if you could use an ironing press to fuse the plastic bags.
I am apart of a group in Australia that makes various things for people in need. we work with no budget just from donated items, it is amazing what is made from what we receive. This idea is unreal I love it and will definitely be trying it (using a face mask), will be great for lining all sort of bags etc the possibilities are endless. We would be able to make a lot more if it is possible to use an ironing press.
Thank you for this post
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this looks awesome! what a great way to use up the stash of plastic bags that I accumulate.
Thanks so much for this tutorial! I am going to have to try this.
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Thanks for the tute! I did this with white bags and made some cool ghosts to hang from the trees as Halloween decorations. I found 16 layers gave the best balance of strength and flexibility. I used scissors to cut out the ghostly outlines and a Sharpie to draw in the face details.
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I have seen this done on craft shows and the recommend silk screen paint to paint the fused plastic. I was wondering if anyone has used anything else?
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I just tried this with freezer paper and it does NOT work - the paper fuses to the plastic. I should have tried a sample first - wasted 8 bags.
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